5 tips to make your CV personal profile stand out from the crowd


Ah, the CV personal profile section.  The only thing worse than writing your Tinder profile because sadly you can’t just insert the water emoji here and wait for the offers to come rolling in… but fear not, BrighterBox is here to save the day (and your job hunt) with these five simple tips!


1. Keep it snappy.

If your CV was a trailer, your personal profile section would be the promo poster. Usually, it’s the first thing employers will see after your name so you want to intrigue them without giving them all the spoilers. At this stage, employers are more interested in what makes you a good fit for their company than in dramatic backstories, so stick to the facts and figures and save all that Clark Kent stuff for another day.



2. Big yourself up.

Arrogance is never attractive, but when it comes to CVs, it’s okay to be a bit full of yourself. The personal profile is the place to summarise your greatest achievements so don’t waste time being modest – if you were the key player in a certain event or activity, say it! Again, back it up with stats so that employers can see you’re the real deal.


3. Make it relevant.

Heard that you have to tailor your CV for every role that you apply for? Sorry, it’s true. But don’t worry it’s mostly your personal profile that needs to fit the bill! After all, a tech start-up isn’t going to get excited about someone who is ‘looking for corporate jobs at a big multinational’. Job hunting is a lot like dating and no one likes a player.


4. Avoid generic fillers.

I hate to break it to you, but in the same way that building a house on The Sims doesn’t make you an architect, describing yourself as ‘creative’ on your CV doesn’t make you Andy Warhol. It’s cliché but the proof really is in the pudding portfolio, so don’t clutter up your personal profile with vague fillers like ‘creative’ and ‘passionate’. You could be using that space to tell employers about the award-winning social enterprise you started in your third year of uni.



5. Be yourself!

I know, I know – I sound like your mum. Sorry. The thing is though, employers read your personal profile section to find out more about you and what makes you better than everyone else. You’re unlikely to find that originality from some lifeless template you found online by Googling ‘CV profile section examples’. Save that energy for creating your own profile masterpiece instead – one that shows your true colours.


So there you have it – five easy pointers to ensure your CV profile section is the absolute best it can be! Now you’ve got that sorted, go throw yourself into your applications instead and get that job you’ve worked so hard for. YOU’VE GOT THIS!



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