How to use LinkedIn for your graduate job search

LinkedIn is a special kind of social media that also functions as an online jobs board. It’s a platform designed for professionals to discover and connect with each other and jobs. This tool is key in the bustle of the graduate job search. It allows you to build a professional brand online through your LinkedIn profile, network and have access to industry professionals. 


Previously, we discussed how to create the perfect graduate LinkedIn profile. It is a key factor in getting you noticed on LinkedIn. However, as much as creating the perfect graduate LinkedIn profile is essential, after the initial honing, it’s easy to be passive on the platform resulting in minimal leads. To really reap the benefits that LinkedIn has to offer using the platform effectively via tools such as LinkedIn Jobs or groups can lead you to your next graduate job! Here’s what to do!



Have a complete LinkedIn profile with a professional but welcoming photo and summary. Profiles that are complete rank 60% higher than those who don’t have complete profiles. This is crucial to snag your graduate job. Recent LinkedIn features include options to add files, presentations and updates which makes your profile a more dynamic version of your CV. Ensure your featured skills line up with the type of jobs you’re looking to. Having a complete and engaging profile sets you ahead of the competition in a graduates job search. 


Let recruiters know you’re open

You can privately let recruiters know that you are open to new jobs using LinkedIn’s Open feature. This shows employers that you are looking and allows recruiters to contact you for a role if they feel that you are a good fit. Turning on your availability for a job doesn’t inform your current employers so you don’t have to worry.  It makes it easier to connect with your dream job by letting employers know you’re open to new opportunities and with this feature, you can specify the kind of company and the roles you are most interested in.



Take advantage of premium free trial

LinkedIn premium provides several additional benefits that can aid you in your job search. 

Opt-in for the 30 day trial once you are satisfied with your profile and you will have access to features that include who’s viewed you, InMail features, and insights on where you stand in terms of application to a particular job. These features can help you single out  and contact the recruiters and hiring managers who’ve looked at your profile, allow you to contact people who are not part of your connections list and show you holes in your profile that you can correct and work towards in terms of skills that are desired  for roles you apply to.You’ll also be a “featured applicant” and be displayed at the top of listings, which doesn’t hurt.



You can easily apply for jobs on LinkedIn on the Jobs tab. Depending on the posting, you can Easy Apply  or may be rerouted to apply directly to the company’s website. There’s also the option of saving job postings, which you can access at any time so that you can apply later.


Find connections

LinkedIn suggests connections to people based on your work experience or mutual contacts. There’s also the option of connecting to colleagues and university alumni contacts, or through importing your email address book. Start bybuilding your professional network by connecting with colleagues, friends and family. When reaching out to network, personalise connection requests by why you’d like to connect and if you’ve already interacted remind them when and where you’ve met.



Ask for endorsements from connections that you believe recognize your skills and can vouch for you. Having professionally endorsed skills is a simple and effective way of building your professional brand and engaging your LinkedIn network. 



Follow your dream companies

Find companies you're interested in, then follow them to receive their updates. You can see if any of your contacts work at the company so as to ask for introductions, network, put in a good word or let you know of opportunities in the hidden job market. 


Join groups

Joining and taking an interest in groups raises your profile rank and grows your network. LinkedIn recommends relevant groups to your work experience and interests, but you can also seek out others or create your own. Check the groups stats to understand demographics, growth and activity. Groups have clear benefits: you can see occupations which aren’t anywhere else, and be in the know regarding industry.



Be Active & stay current

Keep your profile active with updates or by integrating your LinkedIn updates with other social platforms. Make sure to check your feed regularly and like and share things that seem interesting to stay current. 


Make use of LinkedIn to sell yourself, and strengthen your personal brand. If recruiters are not approaching you,  you have all the tools to create your own opportunities.

Graduate Jobs