Mastering the thank you email

The thank you email to your interviewer after your interview can be the deciding factor as to whether you get the job or not. It’s a positive reinforcement to the interviewer and shows that you are proactive. As the interviewer must sift through several candidates for a role, a thank you email keeps you fresh in the mind of your interviewer. It is an opportunity that is often overlooked, but it affirms your interest in the position and gives you the opportunity to respond to any questions or concerns that came up during the interview which you had difficulty expressing.


Send a thank you email to the lead interviewer. After the interview ask for a business card or make sure to get the name of the interviewer and make a note of it. Being at the forefront of the interviewer’s mind is paramount, so it’s best to send out your thank you note within 24 hours of the interviewer or even sooner. This also ensures that the letter can be read before making any decision which is typically just after the interview.



What should your subject line be?

In your thank you email, mention the exact reason you are sending the email. The subject line could be, "Thank you for your time today", or you could add your name so that the interviewer can recall you easily.


What to include

Start off with something that you connected with in the interview. It can be with a shared interest you and your interviewer spoke about or tidbit you picked up about them. This will remind the interviewer who you are and illustrate your perceptiveness. 


The body will include the major things to touch on which are enthusiasm and interest for the role, showing gratitude for the opportunity and expressing the belief that you’re a right fit for the position. Include anything you may have forgotten to mention during the interview or clarify responses that you feel you may have botched. Express your confidence and conviction that you are the right candidate for the position by reminding them of your qualifications and skills. Go the extra step and illustrate how you might make a significant contribution to the team and role. Don’t feel shy to plug in your professional social profiles such as portfolios or credits if they can increase your chances of getting the role by showing off examples of your abilities. 




Brevity is the key to a successful thank you email. Keep it short and sweet and to the point. Interviewers have hundreds of candidates to go through and have busy schedules, so keep it succinct. 


Don’t forget to make it personal. People have a tendency to write the same emails to everyone, but that doesn’t set you apart. Mentioning the connection that you made with your interviewer shows that you were listening and your level of interest in the role and the interviewer.  





Subject: Thank you Marketing Executive Interview


Dear [Interviewer's Name] 


Thank you again for taking the time to meet with me this afternoon. I enjoyed speaking with you about the [Job Title] role at BrighterBox. It was great to learn more about the team and [Company Name]’s culture. Working with such a spirited team would be an incredible experience and I’d love the opportunity to prove myself for this creative role.


I look forward to hearing from you and thanks again for your time!


Kind regards, 

[Your Name]

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