5 ways to use social media to boost your job application

5 ways to use social media to boost your job application

If you have applied to a few graduate jobs at startups, then you should recognise that your future employers are online, just like everyone else. And we can guarantee that they will be scrolling through social media to get a feel for what sort of person you are. Instead of changing your name and hoping your profiles fall under the radar, why not go the other way and actively promote yourself through social media? In the world of startups, the ability to get noticed online means everything, so demonstrating that you understand this will give you a boost towards that coveted startup graduate job.


1. Stay professional.
Imagine your presence online as a conversation with your future employer. Don’t shout at them about the crazy nights out you had recently and maybe don’t moan endlessly about your current role. Find a way of projecting yourself as a balanced, level-headed person and learn how to alter your privacy settings on posts you might want to keep to yourself.

2. Engage in networking.
Online networking is big these days, so don’t underestimate it. Engage in conversations on LinkedIn, tweet with relevant hashtags, blog about current affairs – find ways to interact with people and subjects you find interesting. 
3. Brand yourself.
If you are using multiple social media channels, then choosing to brand yourself can be helpful in maintaining a coherent voice across platforms. You have the luxury of cultivating an image of yourself that highlights whatever you want, so capitalise on your strengths and showcase what you are best at.
4. Try video.
Have a scroll down your newsfeed on Facebook and what can you see? Video after video. Content on the web is now more movement based than ever, so finding ways to use this to your advantage is crucial. Tried vlogging? It can be a great way to get used to being in front of a camera – in case you ever need to put together a quick video CV or have a Skype interview.

5. Check your photos.
It might be wise to double check that your profile picture projects the image you want. This might sound obvious, but you would be surprised at the old (and frankly embarrassing) pictures that can be unearthed by a simply google search. Take the time to go through what’s out there under your name and have a quick cull of Ibiza 2012.


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