5 signs you need to change your job

5 signs you need to change your job

The graduate job seatch after university is a huge challenge in itself. So what happens if it suddenly doesn’t feel like the right role for you? Should you carry on despite your misgivings? Or throw in the towel and switch it up, even though your paid internship materialised into a full-time job? Everyone has bad days at work, and it would be unusual to feel excited and rearing to go every Monday morning (as much as we wish that were the case), so it can be hard to distinguish when there is a real issue. If something does begin to make you feel uncomfortable the best action is always to talk to someone before it goes any further, whether that’s a friend or your boss, just make sure you aren’t isolating yourself in any way.


Deciding to hand in your notice is a tough choice to make, because while you shouldn’t give up on something without trying, you should also never stay somewhere that you are unhappy with, or which is preventing you from reaching your full potential. Have a read of our top warning signs that it might be time to move on.
1. It doesn’t feel challenging
Don’t sell yourself short. If you find yourself rarely learning anything new, finishing tasks in double quick time and just generally feeling pretty bored, then you might be working in a role that doesn’t challenge you enough. For someone in their forties with a ton of experience this might be more expected, but a graduate fresh out of university really shouldn’t feel like they know everything already. This might be easily rectified with a frank conversation with your employer. Explain that you are feeling as though you might not be working to your full potential and hopefully together you will be able to come up with some ways to make your day feel more productive.
2. You don’t get along with your boss and/or your co-workers
The people you work with make a huge difference, there is no point pretending it doesn’t. You might have the perfect job, but it can be miserable working with people you don’t get along with. If a boss is unfairly picking on you, firstly attempt to notify a third party or their superior before giving in. If you find yourself unable to get on with your co-workers, then try keeping to yourself and concentrating on your own work, rather than getting involved in any altercations. However, if the atmosphere at the office is simply unpleasant and you are genuinely unhappy, then maybe it’s time to find something else.

3. 99% of the time you really, really don’t want to go in
This is definitely one of the most telling points on this list. Nobody wants to go in to work after a holiday, but most us know it’s not really that bad (and often pretty enjoyable!). If you wake up every day and consider calling in sick, then there’s definitely something very wrong. Look at other aspects of your life and make sure you aren’t simply unhappy about a multitude of things before making an appointment to talk it over with your boss. Talking it out may make it easier to find a long term solution, but if it’s just the job itself, then at least you will know you tried.
4. Most of your friends are bored of you complaining about work
Do you spend more than an hour moaning about your job every day to anyone that will listen? Can you remember the last time you said something positive about it? It’s fine to complain about work every so often (you’re only human), but if everyone around you is sick of hearing about how terrible it is, then maybe you should do something about it. On the other hand if you generally complain about a lot of things in your life, then perhaps consider setting personal goals to look for the positives in what you do – mental exercises like this can have a pretty significant effect on your mood.

5. The industry just isn’t the right fit
You are still young. You still have time to decide what you want to do with your life so if you try something and realise that it isn’t right, then don’t force it. Take the time to figure out what direction you want to go in next and head towards it. Don’t stick at something for the sake of it – take the plunge and do what you are passionate about (otherwise you are only going to burn out). You will most likely find that your current job has provided you with any number of transferable skills for a range of industries – don’t think you are stuck and unable to get out. If you are really worrying, then why not take some time out from work to study a short course, or even do one in the evenings? There are so many ways to give yourself a head start into your next venture, so you shouldn’t ever feel stuck.

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