Guest blog: 5 reasons why Cardiff's the best city to be a student

Guest blog: 5 reasons why Cardiff's the best city to be a student

Charlotte Green (@ckatygreen14), a Business Management student from Cardiff University, gives us the lowdown on why the Welsh capital is the very best place to be a student in Britain.

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1. Small but perfectly formed
Cardiff - small but perfectly formed
Everything is within walking distance! The city centre - where most of the clubs, pubs, bars, restaurants and shops are - is at most a 30 min walk from where you will be living. For example, in first year you are likely to be in Talybont North/South/Court/Gate, which is located 30 mins walk away. In second/third year you will probably end up in Cathays, which is a mere 15-20min walk into the centre.
2. Rent that doesn't blow your budget
Cheap rent!
Cheap rent. Average rent for a decent 5 person house in Cardiff will cost you between £265-£310 a month each. Compared to Bristol which is between £460-£560. Lower rent cost, means you’re left with more money for the important things. Such as food, alcohol and that new jacket you need. Although most importantly, you get to show off the amazing house you have to your Cardiff-outsider-friends (which costs half as much and looks twice as good as theirs).
3. Indoor market
Cardiff's indoor market
The indoor market. This goldmine has everything you need to keep both you satisfied and sane. The fresh produce of meat, fish, fruit and veg is plentiful, tasty and cheap! For those days when you’re missing the family pet, take yourself upstairs to the pet shop. They have a resident bunny and often a buddle of kittens to cuddle and coo to your heart’s content. Among this treasure trove you will also find a deli counter, where the vendor will happily feed you samples-a-plenty. Meaning you can save that £5 you were planning to spend on lunch, for something more important. Perhaps two Amstels at Buffalo?


4. Park life
Roath Park
Bute and Roath park. Right in the heart of the city you have what can only be described as an oasis of green. Where worries melt away and fun begins.
During the summer these two parks boast countless activities. In Roath you can unwind in the flower gardens and conservatory, or walk around the lake and hire a boat (wins serious points as a date venue). For those wanting to work off the beers, Roath also has a FREE outdoor gym.
X Music Festival
If flower gardens aren’t for you, there is always Bute. Aside from being the perfect place to take a disposable barbeque and football - or rugby ball (it hosts a number of goals and rugby posts). Bute is notorious for hosting the increasingly popular X music festival, which is a MUST for end of year/exam celebrations.
5. Varsity
Varsity match
Varsity! This momentous occasion happens every year between Cardiff and Swansea Uni. Sports teams from both universities compete to decide the ultimate champion.  The location of the event alternates each year. When held in Cardiff most of the events are held in Bute park and are FREE to attend. Take friends and a suitcase of beer. Regardless of rain or shine you are guaranteed to have a great time. The event reaches a climax at the closing rugby match. (This you do have to get tickets for) But oh-my-lord is it worth it! The atmosphere, crowd and Millennium Stadium are explosive.
Varsity fun

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