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Top tips for house sharing

It’s estimated that more than a quarter of university leavers flock to London for their dream graduate job. 

With the average house price in the big city higher than anywhere else in the UK, it’s unsurprising that most young professionals find themselves looking for house shares to make moving to the capital more affordable.

As a recent graduate, you’re used to sharing your living space. Uni life is notorious for shared halls, flats and houses. But the working world is an entirely different kettle of fish. Whether you’ve lived in a house share before or not, there’s a few tips worth knowing.

In this blog post the team from acasa, the bill management app designed for students and young professionals, share their tips for sharing accommodation in London as a recent graduate. 

Be prepared

Moving to the biggest city in the UK is no mean feat. Relocating can be daunting, but being prepared helps. From ensuring you know what you’ll need in your new house to getting to grips with your local area, there’s a lot to be said for being prepared.

Careful planning has a big part to play in creating a happy house share. From organising who’s in charge of setting up the bills to creating a cleaning rota, being prepared in advance is sure to reduce the risk of conflict avoid the opportunity for stressful situations.

Share with other graduates

There’s nothing worse than moving away from home and feeling like you’re on your own. Moving into a shared house with fellow graduates will mean that you’ll always be surrounded by others in the same situation.

Whether you vent to your flat mates about frustrations at work or share stories about student life, living with like minded professionals is sure to make living away from home that bit easier. 

What’s more, going back to a home where others are in the exact same boat as you can offer you the extra support you need. From having someone to talk to when you feel homesick to being part of a great group of friends you can socialise with after work, there’s a lot to be said for young professional housing

Sort the bills

One of the biggest triggers for arguments between house sharers is money. If you’re used to living in all-inclusive uni halls, you probably haven’t encountered a bill-related squabble yet. Even if you and your housemates become the best of friends, an unexpected payment is sure to make someone see red. 

Having a clear bill management system in place will reduce the risk if any nasty surprises and ensure that everyone knows what they need to pay and when they need to pay it. Although this might seem like a time consuming system to put in place, a bill splitting solution designed especially for house sharers can help improve transparency and eradicate the need for awkward conversations. 

Moving to London for your graduate job is exciting. Following these tips will make sure it’s an experience to remember for all the right reasons.


This blog post was contributed by acasa, the bill splitting app designed to help students and young professionals.

Graduate Jobs