Congrats on your job offer! Now read top advice from an employment law expert on key things to note in your shiny new contract. (Spoiler alert: salary isn't one of them!)

Want a job that isn’t the same every day and varies from being analytical to creative? If variation and juggling between diverse tasks sounds like your cup of tea, and if you have exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, a Marketing Executive job might be for you!

Most graduates new to the working world often go into an internship blindly, happy to have got something under their belt. Here are the key takeaways and graduate internship tips that ensure career success in the future.

Authenticity has been getting a lot of buzz over the past couple of years, almost becoming fad-like among millennials. Studies have found that more than half of employees cover up part of their identity to fit in at work. So, what does it take to be authentic at work and why is authenticity so important, especially in the graduate and startup realm?

A salary and work schedule that aligns with your expecations affects your level of contentment, commitment and staying power in a company and important to discuss before committing to the contract. The timing of the discussion is crucial in the hiring process. Here's our guide on how to broach the subject.

Graduates tend to forget that unconscious body movements and posture communicate messages to the interviewer as well as verbal communication. Body language can often make or break job prospects, so the ability to recognise and practice nonverbal communication is a great tool to help connect with your interviewer and help get the graduate job!

Standard questions that seem to be innocuous often carry deeper meaning. It’s the candidate’s responsibility to understand this, read between the lines and develop a response appropriate to what the interviewer is looking for. Here’s a breakdown of the most commonly asked and baffling graduate recruitment questions in a job interview that often carry an additional meaning.

Like any skill, interviewing well is something you can master and the preparation is not too difficult! There are a number of steps you can take before the interview to ensure that you make a great impression. Here’s how you can outshine the competition with a little interview prep and ensure success!

Quicker progression and a more fluid role are some of the reasons why choosing the startup underdog over big corporates can be a good choice. Mariel Rubinstein, a graduate from the University of Liverpool for Music, shares her reasons for embracing the startup world.

You'd love a killer graduate job but the job search anxiety has resulted in hours of binge-watching your favourite show rather than polishing up your CV or applying to roles. Here are our best tips to get over your graduate job hunt procrastination and get your started towards your dream job!

Are you thinking about working at a startup? Vicky Anscombe (@VickyAnscombe) gives us an insider look at what to expect!

If you are thinking about applying to work in recruitment, but aren’t entirely sure that it’s for you, then have a read of a few things you might not have realised about almost all graduate recruitment jobs.

Everybody’s first week of work after University is likely to be a bit of a culture-shock. Adulting starts here.